The Senate was still voting late Tuesday, but Democrats did not have enough votes to overcome ((a filibuster led by Republican
s)). Most Democrats supported the bill while all Republican
s were voting to block it.
Precisely what the GOP wants...by stalling the economic recovery, blaming it on Obama and the Democrats, and to keep unemployme
nt high so big business (and, by that, I mean even McDonalds) has a large labor pool to pull from keeping wages low and campaign contributi
ons at a maximum.
s used to stand for something, and there were actually sane discussion
s between parties.
I am a lifelong Democrat but respected Republican
s at one time - now they are all disappoint
ing hypocrites
I ask all the readers, including all the beautifull
y minded women of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican
s as possible during the 2012 elections.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.comRead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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