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Friday, April 22, 2011

A history lesson on the deficit and the differences between the parties

A history lesson on the deficit and the differences between the parties:

First the GOP gave everyone massive deficit causing tax cuts while saying, dont worry about the deficit, the tax cuts will cause economic prosperity and increase tax revenue.

Then they push to invade the wrong country while letting the mission in the right country get totally mismanaged, all while putting the bill for this war on the national credit card.

Then they didnt pay attention to signs of the economy going off a cliff, due to their own economic priority of deregulating the financial industry

Then Obama takes office with the economy losing 700K jobs/month, but in the 2 yrs since then has net positive 1mil+ jobs created. This is after total net jobs were lost over his predecessor's 8 years (see First much for economic prosperity).

Then a bunch of GOPers who voted for Bush twice rename themselves Tea Party members out of embarassment and shame at the past 8 years, and hope they can misdirect the anger in the population at the results of the policies they spent 8 years supporting.

Then the GOP obstruct as much jobs legislation as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. As one pundit put it, its like they lit the house on fire and now stand there with stop signs blocking the fire trucks.

Then they run on the need to cut spending, despite CAUSING THIS PROBLEM THROUGH THEIR OWN POLICIES (see above)

Then the GOP get elected on a mandate they'll create jobs but after the election they immediately hold UI benefits and middle class tax cuts hostage unless those making 1mil+ get their tax cut extended too. The end result is extensions of these tax cuts at a cost of 70bil+/yr. So much for the deficit and fiscal responsibility. (jobs?) 

Then their first bill through the house attempts to redefine rape to restrict a woman's abortion rights in rape situations, as well as reducing womens' rights in general by making date rape much more easily defendable in court (jobs?)

Then they attach riders to the 2011 budget attacking womens' healthcare, the EPA, and school lunches for poor kids(jobs?)

Then these Tea Party members (ie ex-Bush supporters) get 235 of their members to commit political suicide by voting to end medicare while giving the rich YET ANOTHER massive unnecessary tax cut.

Then the adults raise some taxes, close some loopholes, cut a little spending, and balance the budget without tossing the elderly into the gutter; and in '12 they toss the GOP/Tea Party into the gutter instead. 

Yep, I think that about sums it up.

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republicans as possible during the 2012 elections.

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