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Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Republican Party's environmental policy.

The Republican Party's environmental policy.

GOP, "is the black liquid gelatinous material residue that can be found in highly polluted area's that contain industrial waste".

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Presenting conservatives with their own talking points

One of the things I most enjoy doing in politics is presenting conservatives with their own talking points, then exposing the absolute nonsense behind them.

And the ironic part is, the Republican party doesn’t even try to hide their true intentions. They just know that critical thinking isn’t a strong point for the typical conservative voter. So it’s not a matter of saying anything that makes sense, it just has to be what the typical conservative wants to hear. Facts really don’t matter a whole lot. 

1) Republicans are purposely sabotaging our government: Just think about this for a moment. Republican politicians run on the premise that “government is bad.” So, why would they ever try to help make government more efficient and effective? They wouldn’t. In fact, they go out of their way to ensure that the government operates as poorly as possible so they can campaign on the notion that government is bad – so that they’ll get elected to that very same government. They’re literally causing the very problems in our government that they use to stir up anti-government sentiment among conservatives to get elected. Sadly, most conservatives fail to see this. 
2) Republicans want our country to fail: Conservatives hate President Obama. And they know that the only way they stand any chance in 2016 to reclaim the White House is to do everything they can to stall any possible progress and sabotage any kind of economic recovery. Their true hope is that by doing so our nation will spiral into such chaos that we’ll elect a Republican as a response. They would gladly stand by while millions of Americans suffered as long as it won their party the presidency in 2 years. 
3) Conservatives are always on the wrong side of history: It’s like I’ve pointed out before, if you go back to the Civil War and see which states fought to keep slavery, they’re the same states that: opposed women’s suffrage, interracial marriage, civil rights, desegregation and currently oppose gay marriage and abortion rights. And that’s not a coincidence. 
4) Nine of our last ten economic recessions occurred while a Republican was in the White House: Pretty much speaks for itself.
5) The Republican party is owned by big oil: Just think about it, what benefits big oil the most?
  • Deregulating the EPA
  • More domestic drilling
  • Opening up national parks for drilling
  • The belief that climate change is fake
  • Ensuring that we have poor public transportation systems
  • Opposition to green energy alternatives
And guess which side of every one of those issues the Republican party supports…
6) The truth about Ronald Reagan is very different from the lies Republicans tell about him: During Reagan’s eight years in the White House, unemployment shot over 10%; our national debt nearly tripled; he passed amnesty for illegal immigrants; the number of illegal immigrants coming into the United States was higher than we’ve seen during the Obama administration; he negotiated with terrorists and raised taxes several times.
7) Tax rates have almost nothing to do with job creation or wages: I’m not going to go into my usual “trickle-down economics is a scam” rant. Though I will say that job creation isn’t a problem, but wage stagnation is. That being said, our tax rates are almost at the very same levels George W. Bush (and his fellow Republicans) promised us in the early-2000′s would eliminate our debt and usher in economic prosperity. So, if those rates were low enough back then, then why now are many of these same Republicans saying that taxes are too high? Though, let’s not fool ourselves. Middle class incomes being stagnant isn’t just a “last eight years” issue. It’s been going on for over decades.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Corporations are not people.

The Republicans' opposition in the form of obstructionism is more proof that they cannot win elections on their ideas and so called principles.... they know they have to buy elections and that is their only chance at keeping power!

We should have publicly-funded elections, with absolutely no "private" ads for public offices, and a limit set on all lobbying.  It appears that speech that is bought and paid for by big money, and big corporations, who are actively ruining our country.

Corporations are not people.

Who do you support? The USA or the GOP?
When it is your time to vote, you will know what to do.....

Sunday, July 6, 2014


1) The president has used executive orders 
less than HALF as much as the president before him. 

2) The REASON he has been forced to use executive orders is because 
over 60% of the GOP in Congress has signed "PAC Pledges" 
(in exchange for lobbyist bribes) NOT TO NEGOTIATE Bi-Partisan legislation. 

3) This is BY FAR the most Corrupt & Unproductive Congress in history. 
(Worst House Of Representatives Ever - W.I-I.O.R.E) 
It IS time for judicial review in this matter. 

Anyone who signed a "PAC Pledge" (in exchange for campaign funding) 
to serve Lobbyists BEFORE America, has committed a criminal offense... 
and should be prosecuted.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Finally people are waking up to how unpractical the GOP has become.
What would happen if Republicans got in charge of the country for a couple of decades? We've seen more than a decade of Republican rules and legislation and government control and it had basically destroyed the US. That is fact. It can NOT be denied. Continued Republican rule has led to disaster. The Great Depression came about as a result of tax breaks and deregulation by Republicans Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge. The current recession came about as a result of tax breaks, failure to enforce financial regulations, and record spending by Bush II. Remember the militant conservative's dishonest "Contract with America" in 1994? Look at the mess that led to and most of them went on to commit adultery while claiming to "protect" the sanctity of marriage! Now they want us to vote them back in again so they can finish sucking all the money out of us and getting rich. Bush gave us $4.00+ per gallon gas. I still think there’s something unique about the Republicans holding the full faith and credit of the United States hostage, threatening to impose a catastrophe on all of us, on purpose, to achieve a specific (and unnecessary) policy goal. What’s more, note that no elected GOP officials — literally, not one — ever stood up during this process to say, “Wait, this is wrong. We shouldn’t do this.” They all just went along.

It’s hard to think of any other situation in American history where a political party,(The Republicans), has taken such a scorched earth approach to policy-making. Republicans stand for nothing and are against everything!

Ask this simple question. who do you support, the USA or the GOP....?
When it comes time to vote, you will know what to do!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Let's investigate the GOP for a moment:

Let's investigate the GOP for a moment:
1. The GOP House tried to cut $300 million from embassy security, just prior to Benghazi
2, The GOP conveniently ignores 14 separate Benghazi's under Bush
3. The GOP conveniently ignores 398 killed overseas under Reagan
4. The PATHETIC GOP is raising election cash exploiting 4 dead Americans while investigating??????
5. The GOP DESTROYED the economy under Bush, and has record Senate filibusters & the GOP House has accomplished the LEAST am
ount of work in 50 years.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Republican party doesn't respect you!

Over the years I have spent a great amount of my time at the Yacht & Country Clubs. What I hear Republican supporters say about women and Latinos astounds me. If you are a women or Latin voter, you would have to be nuts to vote for the Republican party. 

Trust me, the Republican party doesn't respect you!

Vote for GOP if.........

Want to beat the GOP in a landslide? How about just listing their non-accomplishments in ads:

Vote for GOP if
1) You don't want people to have unemployment insurance.
2) You want to keep minimum wage at starvation levels.
3) You want 40 million Americans to go without health care.
4) You want women to be paid less than men for the same job.
5) You want gay people to all be thrown out of their jobs.
6) You want miners to die in underground explosions.
7) You want to work for Ebenezer Scrooge - you want workers to have NO say in their jobs - just do what their rich bosses want them to to, work the hours their rich bosses want them to work, for Chinese-level wages.
8) You want the children of disadvantaged Americans to die of starvation.
9) You want the elderly to work until they're either 90 or dead.

I could go on and on, but pick any of the above - if you're heartless, brainwashed or too selfish to want your brothers and sisters to thrive in America.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Antiquated drug laws & the negative right wing of the GOP...

With overcrowding incarceration rates in prison - along with unsustainable costs - one would think that the light bulb would turn on with the 'punitive,

negative right wing of the GOP' and force them to rethink their 'war on drugs'. But it hasn't happened yet. Just think about it realistically for once. How many able bodied people - especially in the minority community - do we take out of a tax payer role and turn them into a 'ward of the State' that we must pay for, because of antiquated drug laws? But I guess it is just too much to ask for the 'in the past' GOP supporters to actually think about that.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Conservatism is not a political philosophy at all!

Conservatism is not a political philosophy at all. Conservatism is a grim, unpleasant philosophy focused exclusively on power, money, and exploitation. Conservatism is not interested in fairness. Conservatism is not interested in justice. Conservatism despises freedom. Conservatism is the enemy of opportunity.
Conservatism is a philosophy of hatred and a list of groups to hate: Blacks, Liberals, Socialists, Old People, Young People, Pregnant People, Gay People, College Students, Retirees, Women, Infants, Sick People, Unlucky People, Stupid People, Government Employees, Educators, Scientists, Scholars, etc.
More than anything else, American Conservatism is a Doctrine of Seething, Boiling, Raging, Insane Hatred against the Kenyan, Communist, Muslim, Traitor Darkie in the White House.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Give all power to corporate overlords!

PLEASE lay out the conservative agenda in stark detail for the mid terms. Please. Let voters know exactly what you plan to do to them and to the country if they vote republican. Starve the poor, education only for those rich enough to afford it, kick out the sick and the elderly, ruin the environment,

give all power to corporate overlords.
Conservatives are so clever. They have always been better at bumper stickers then governing.
Republicans stand for nothing and are against everything.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


KEEPING IT THOUGHTFULLY HONEST: Speaking as an informed and independent intelligent Voter, I have a message for the GOP clowns. Let's exam his Republicans Grand achievements since the last election. I recall the Close down of our Govt. and the later give away payments to those Fed. workers that did not work with a result of wasted cost of $26K in Tax payer funds. Second, the record Obstruction votes there has been no Job Creation legislation for Middle Class Americans; Lack of concern and failure to act on any Job creation and Immigration Reform, the clowns obstructed passage of unemployed middle class Americans that can't find jobs. And finally, now they refuse to establish a reasonable living minimum Wage so that Working American can earn something just above the poverty level to support their families! So Mr goppers is going to take more than blame game of other guys or the use of modern political outreach techniques. Do you really think that most thinking Americans  are that stupid?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Those who don't agree to, or accept reasonable compromises, are undeserving to serve in Congress or the Presidency.

A major reason why Tea Partiers have faced "setbacks" is many don't understand and accept the nature of US democracy which is the joining of principles to a political process that never produces 100% of what one side wants on any contested issue i.e., neither the majority nor the minority party gets 100% of what they want. Throughout the history of US democracy, compromise is the reason legislation on contested issues passes Congress and is signed into law by Presidents. Politicians like many Tea Partiers who don't agree to or accept reasonable compromises are undeserving to serve in Congress or the Presidency.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It's like the GOP is run exclusively by and for old, rich people.

It amazing that after three failed presidencies, Republicans still have no better economic policy than to give more taxpayer money to the wealthy and corporations. Reagan and H. W. Bush together quadrupled the national debt (no single President had doubled it before) and W. doubled it again. None of them created new jobs of any significance. So what's the GOP's new economic policy going to be? Oh, give more money to the wealthy and corporations. More money in off-shore accounts does not create jobs, only money spent and circulated within our economy creates jobs which is why the middle class must be grown for America to grow again. It's like the GOP is run exclusively by and for old, rich people.
There may be better days ahead for Democrats, but, for now, it is the old  guys such as Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and the Koch brothers who hold the nation’s future in their hands, “GOD HELP US ALL”!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Even less will be accomplished in congress!

So now basically we can be assured that even less will be accomplished in congress? 

Literally all republicans have done is reject every single bill that has hit the floor (i know you guys think they are fighting big government and keeping them out of your lives) 

It saddens me that republicans spend so much time talking about democrats that they dont even have a clue what republicans have accomplished?
Miss-leadership, Phony scandals like Benghazi and IRS, phony ads with actors misinforming the masses about ACA--the Republican way. The coalition of the rich and the stupid won this one; let's see what happens next.

REPUBLICANS were able to trick many "not too bright" folks into voting against their own interests in 2010. The coalition of the rich and the stupid, led by the Koch brothers tea party are trying the same old tricks: lies and hatred. We'll see how it works out in the near future?

Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm not a "Never Had."

I'm not a "Never Had." I know what it's like to pay bills on time and have a little left over. I remember vacations and going out to dinner. As a "Used-to-Have," I know exactly what Corporate America, lobbyists and politicians have taken away from me; & because Republicans are Hell-bent and duty-bound to hamper economic recovery by doing what they do best; kill Americans’ jobs!!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The tragedy is that President Obama’s attempt to right the economy

The tragedy is that President Obama’s attempt to right the economy and provoke a vibrant recovery would have solved the nation’s financial woes, but even he fell victim to the phony “deficit reduction” scam under the guise of fiscal responsibility. It appears that there will continue to be anemic job growth and dire warnings from economic experts that America has ignored the unemployment epidemic for too long because Republicans are Hell-bent and duty-bound to hamper economic recovery by doing what they do best; kill Americans’ jobs

Monday, January 27, 2014

So we can assume they don't have the intelligence to lead this country because of their inability to tell the truth.

1. Reagan-Bush-Bush set the national house on fire. They overspent by $12 trillion and counting. We're still paying for Afghanistan, Iraq, the tax cut, Medicare Part D, the Great Republican Recession.
2. We called Fireman Obama to put out the fire and save the house.
3. As soon as he arrived, Conservatives in Washington began stabbing the fire hoses, letting the air out of the fire truck's tires, and
turning in false alarms (death panels, birth certificate, Kenya, socialist
indoctrination of children, closet Muslim, Rev. Wright, Benghazi, IRS, Obamacare, etc.).
4. Now Conservatives are saying that we should blame the fireman, not the guys who set the fire in the first place.
5. In a word, it is called subversion. Some would argue with me and call it sabotage
6. You know, one of the main reasons the GOP has lost credibility is because every time they throw mud at the President, we find out they have overly exaggerated the issue or just plain made it up. It has happened time after time since Obama has been elected and they keep doing it over and over again. And then they cry media bias and foul when THEY get caught speeding and pretend they have not done anything wrong. So we can assume they don't have the intelligence to lead this country because of their inability to tell the truth.