There is this old western saloon. Patrons are sitting around enjoying the music and drinks. In walks a man who goes right for the bar. He orders drink after drink. He orders so many that the bartender is not even sure the man could afford it all, but stays quiet. Suddenly the man takes out his gun and shoots two patrons. The saloon is in chaos. The shooter heads for the door. As he is leaving, a man is walking in. The shooter hands his gun to the man walking in and leaves. Everyone in the saloon turns to look at the door. Suddenly one person shouts, "That is the man who shot these two men." Everyone charges at the man, blaming him for each problem the shooter caused. Spilled drinks, the bar tab, the two shot patrons. The man tries to explain and do his best to help everyone but everyone is so convinced he is the shooter, that they keep shouting for the man to be hanged.
Analogy explained, the man with the gun, the (Republicans). The Person who just walked into the bar, the (Democrats).
Republicans have no interest either in jobs or economic improvement in general.
They instead are doing everything they can to assure the economy stagnates so they can impeach President Obama.
This level of political fanaticism is close to treason.
People are suffering and republicans could not care less.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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