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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Look folks, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed into law the biggest Tax increase in the history of the United States. Another Republican President did great things for the country with a top tax rate of 91% of Income. Who? Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower and he built the interstate highway (creating massive jobs), dams (creating more jobs), improved our Electrical Grid (creating even more jobs) and upgraded our Public School System to the point where it was the envy of the free world.  
President Obama, with his High-Speed Rail program, is trying to do the same thing President Eisenhower did with the Interstate Highway. Upgrade our Railroad Transportation system and CREATE JOBS.  
When you place Politics above the welfare of the Country you get people like Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl who all voted to increase the debt limit a combined 19 times during the Presidency of George W. Bush. Now that the President of the United States is a black Democrat the debt ceiling was held hostage by people who don't care about America!  
As for the Ryan Plan, it doesn't reduce the deficit one penny. It increases our National Debt while It cuts medicare benefits, turns social security over to Wall Street and takes those savings and applies them as TAX-CUTS FOR THE RICH. 
Why do you still vote for these republican miscreants?

Sequester Cuts Trickle Down From The Middle Class

When I was in college and taking astronomy and anthropology, I met a woman who could not accept any science that discussed the earth being over 5 billion years old and that evolution was happening and could be proven in the fossil record. It was such a threat to her faith, that rather than adapt her faith to new knowledge, she rejected it and dropped out of school. I think today's republicans are a lot like that woman, in that they simply can not change their thinking even slightly. as a result the inflexibility, ironically, is an example of exactly how evolution eliminates species that do not adapt.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Don Young Uses 'Wetbacks' To Describe Latinos (AUDIO)

Today's GOP mentality:

1. I'm not gay so gay marriage is bad.

2. I'm not a woman so I can tell them what to do with their bodies.

3. I'm not poor and those social leaches should pull themselves up by their own boots even if I had help during my life.

4. I'm not a foreign looking person but anyone who is should show papers to prove they are a citizen.

5. I've never been shot or killed by a gun so why pass gun laws on me.

6. I'm not an illegal immigrant but those that come across the border down south are criminals. The ones who fly in from Asia or Europe should be granted work permits.

7. My right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Other people's right to vote can be infringed.

8. Wars pay for themselves.

9. Deficits only matter when a democrat is in the white house.

10. I drink 64oz soda's and you can't make me eat broccoli.

11. I'm healthy now and I will never be sick so why should I have to buy healthcare insurance?

12. Social security is a ponzy scheme.

13. Workers should grovel at the feet of their job creators.

14. Global warming is a government conspiracy.

15. Nothing is constitutional unless I agree with it.

16. I need guns to protect myself from the government.

17. Don't talk about George W Bush and its all Obama's fault.

18. Fox cable news fair and balanced.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, March 25, 2013

GOP's ideology and platform

Forget where I read this, but one of the reason's that the GOP's ideology and platform is so out of touch with the ordinary American is that it is developed by think tanks who respond to big donors who also happen to be rigid ideologues. Then the party bigwigs insist on carrying it out to the letter, casting out any apostates who may not be pure enough in their conservatism. The candidates vie with each other during the Republican debates to see who can jump the furthest to the right.

Romney simply took on whatever position would trump the other wingers whether he believed in it or not. He's a pragmatist who pretended to be an ideologue-- That pretense turned off Americans almost as much as the GOP ideology does.

EVERY other presidential term has seen the part of America's economy that grows as a result of improved productivity SHRINK, and some like Bush's second, by a whole lot. But, to be fair, it's been shrinking under Obama, too.
And that's because Washington has completely forgotten (or chooses to ignore, anyway) the fact that not all spending by the federal government has the same return on investment. Many things that the government spends money on - war being by far the best example - have low or even negative ROIs. It costs America good money to build bombs that are detonated in foreign lands. And we get NOTHING in return, and certainly not in economic terms.
Unless and until America begins to invest in itself again, it is most assuredly doomed to fall ever farther in the ranks that compare America to the rest of the world. 
And to hear the GOP game plan of slashing GOOD types of Federal Spending (they want to cut funding for the Patent Office for FSM's sake!) while cheerleading more military spending and tax cuts to the already rich is depressing indeed.  

Proof indeed that the American GOP party, is its own worst enemy.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lets solve this thing by immediately cutting the Republican establishment's cherished entitlements- start with the failed F35 joint strike fighter program- cut military spending 50%- save over $400 billion every year & still outspend the Chinese by $100 billion- cut oil subsidies to the obscenely profitable oil companies, unless they can manage to keep retail gasoline under $3.00/gallon- boosting the economy- break up the "too large to fail" mega banks, enforce corporate regulation protecting consumers against the likes of goldman sacs and their financing to pillage small and medium sized companies- turn off fox "news" and the propaganda of the far right as it continues to corrupt and divides our nation- revise the tax code to the sensible and effective rates existing before ronnie reagan started the republican scheme of continually lowering tax rates and increasing loopholes for the ultra rich while raising tax rates and closing loopholes for ordinary Americans. 

Clearly, it is the Republicans who are the evil-doers, the entitlement takers, the shady maniupulators of congress and public opinion. Let's keep sending the republicans packing- they're selfish, obstinate and incapable of progress benefiting anybody but their lobbyists, campaign donators, mega corporations and the uber-wealthy. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

All I can say is, Jeez- again?

All I can say is, Jeez- again? How much is the Republican party willing to lose? How much damage are they willing to inflict on the rest of us? Thay have lsot all sense of leadership, of rational thought, of vision, of - well- sanity. They are so tied to the meme of "no tax increases" that they don't care if you cannot balance the budget without them, or that the cuts will hurt the most vulnerable. Of course- why would they? They are pretty near invulnerable, with their taxpayer paid for salaries, life long health care, perks, big bank accounts. What would possibly make them care about anything but themselves?

I think we are at the stage where we need to admit the 2 party system no longer works. Congress does not work. Where do we go from here? Voters will decide that but I hope that they understand that what the republicans stand for is not the common good, but the moneyed interests, and religious right. Neither of those are interested in the millions of Americans struggling everyday to find work, or healthcare, or  shelter. May they splinter into a thousand little warring fact, that's what they're doing now. They not only hate liberals and Democrats, they hate each other.  New motto for them (apologies to George Orwell)- "Love is Hate. Love the GOP."

Paul Ryan Budget Passed By House Republicans

Ryan is really determined to kill grandma.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

RNC 'Autopsy' Indicates That GOP Still Coming To Grips With This Inclusion, Empathy Stuff

Until they get real with policies that benefit the middle class, the GOP will lose. As long as their base is mostly social conservatives, they will lose. As long as their base is mostly from the entitlement taking south, they will lose. Until they quit trying to use the government to legislate their view of morality, they will lose.
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RNC 'Autopsy' Indicates That GOP Still Coming To Grips With This Inclusion, Empathy Stuff

The Republican Party needs more than an overhaul; it needs to a complete reformation as it has become a party. It claims to be the party of "Christian" and "family" values but acts in a manner inconsistent with Christianity or family values as it seeks to dismantle the programs that protect those with the least to benefit those with the most. The party that wants to shift the burdens of society on those who have the least. It is a party without compassion, a party that advocates war on a regular basis, a party that would create a two-class society of rich and poor. The party denigrates minorities and seeks to suppress the votes of minorities. The party denigrates women and seeks to control their bodies. The party that complains about big government and yet wants to control people's reproductive choices. This is a party that adheres to a failed ideology that has been rejected by most Americans.

What's the difference between a Republican and a toilet?

The toilet's only full of crap until you pull the handle.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
ou might be a Republican if ...
You've named your kids Deduction One and Deduction Two.
What do you call a Republican with a heart?
A cardiac surgeon.
You might be a Republican if ...
You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "lives in a trash can because he is lazy and doesn't want to contribute to society."
Why did the Republican cross the road?
To get to the other bribe.
Why do Republicans love doing laundry?
They're naturals at separating the whites from the colors.
Why is the elephant a perfect symbol for Republicans?
They never forget, lead each other around by the tail, and think everyone should work for peanuts.
You might be a Republican if ...
You don't think "The Simpsons" is all that funny, but you watch it because that Flanders fellow makes a lot of sense.
How do you get Republicans to save the rainforest?
Tell them that's where the golf ball trees are!
You might be a Republican if ...
You think "proletariat" is a type of cheese.
What's the difference between a Republican and a toilet?
The toilet's only full of crap until you pull the handle.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The RNC document includes market research from voter focus groups around the country. "Asked to describe Republicans, they said that the Party is “scary,” “narrow minded,” and “out of touch” and that we were a Party of “stuffy old men.” This is consistent with the findings of other post-election surveys," the report states.  
Spot on analysis. The Republican brand is badly damaged. It is regarded by too many people as an uncompromising relic of the past — a party that lacks new ideas and is, therefore, forced to largely serve as a blockade to the other side.  
Republicans are on the losing end of the political stick they created. American voters are well aware of who is at fault—recalcitrant Republican self-proclaimed obstructionists. Republicans have blamed their loss at the election polls on their dullard candidate to Hurricane Sandy. The truth is they have no on to blame but themselves.  
America is changing. Republicans are not.

RNC Growth And Opportunity Project Report: Voters See GOP As 'Scary,' 'Narrow Minded'

Let's try to think of something besides hate and tax cuts," said no Republican ever.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, March 14, 2013

22-years ago, I cast my first vote!

22-years ago, I cast my first vote, voting mostly Republican. As the party started becoming more radical during the Raegan years with their Southern strategy, attracting a bigger share of regressive s  rather than conservatives, I shifted in the middle. Last election, I did not even vote for a single GOP candidate, including local ones. People like me are moving away from this party. Like termites, the regressive s have eaten through this once great party. It is fast becoming a shadow of its past. Lincoln will so disappointed in the current GOP.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dow Jones Hits 'Record High' Thanks To Strong Performances From Smoke, Mirrors Sectors

Postponing governance between elections is a problem, but the fact that many members of the Republican party "equate compromise with treason" is one that absolutely must be addressed at greater length. Today's opposition party has taken the position that if they can't run the country, nobody will. You can't run any organization that way, no less a government.

The degree of hate by the extreme right of the Republican Party towards the President has eclipsed the level of their patriotism and Americanism, so they'd rather see Obama fail than extend their hand in a bi-partisan rule.

Has anybody ever stopped to think about the net negative effect of the GOP propaganda machine? It's a terrible force. It creates great harm because it upsets many people who are not equipped to analyze the misrepresentation of facts and distortions routinely espoused as great Party declarations.
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A new and dangerous front has opened up in the conservative war on government

In recent years, a new and dangerous front has opened up in the conservative war on government: the battle over deficits and debt. The anti-government forces have tried to portray their position as merely one of fiscal common sense. They say that it is simply a matter of not spending more money than one earns. But make no mistake: this anti-debt crusade is a highly politicized effort to fundamentally undermine liberal programs and progressive government in this country.
If the deficit hawks are successful, they will do major damage to society and the economy. They are promoting a deficit hysteria in an effort to force the government to enact deep cuts in vital social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. This fiscal austerity movement would also prevent the government from using deficit spending to speed the recovery of the economy when it is in recession. And it would inhibit us from making the crucial public investments in education, technology, energy, and transportation that are necessary to improve society and lay the foundations for future economic growth.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ashley Judd Senate Run: Actress, Activist Planning To Declare Candidacy, Sources Say

Just imagine where we would be today if the republicans didn't spend the last 4 years trying to sabotage everything in their failed attempt to regain the white house.

$20 billion in tax breaks for oil companies, $1 billion in siphoned funds for earmarks, tax breaks for the rich. None of these are on the table, so McConnell has proven what anyone not brainwashed by Fox News knows... the Republicans are a bunch of liars.This reminds me of the Republican bankers who ran the banks into the ground, screaming for deregulation from the government the entire time, then when the stakes were down had their hands out for a bail out. Republicans = SHAMELESS HYPOCRITES!

Mitch McConnell needs to go!
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Without Republicans, the recovery would never have been possible.

Without Republicans, the recovery would never have been possible. After all, without Republican incompetence, there would have been no collapse to recover from.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Senate Republicans Open To Gutting Voting Rights Act, Despite Scalia's Analysis

It is true that Americans like cuts when they think the cuts will not affect them personally. I wonder how all those private sector military contract workers, many of whom are Republicans, will feel when they get their pink slip. I wonder how all those people in the communities in our southern states who take more federal dollars than they pay out are going to feel when that flow of money slows down or stops. While I agree that cuts should be spread out across programs including the military, they should be done sensible not be done across the board. I will find it very interesting how those who think they work in private industry but actually work for the gov through contracts will see themselves now. Maybe they will understand that they actually work for the gov and gov cuts means cuts to their company's contracts and thus their jobs.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, March 3, 2013

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell Offer Opposing Sequester Messages

The Us was hit with a double whammy, first a deep reccesion then, just when we are recovering from that, a right wing willing to sabotage the recovery because of their ideology. The right won't negotiate on a deal, the left offers a mix of spending cuts and tax increases, but the right refuses to budge, putting ideological purity over the welfare of ordinary people, over a million jobs will be lost due to the sequester and the economy will slow, if your goal is to pay off the debt it is a ridiculoius sulution, if your goal is to sabotage America and destroy American jobs it is perfect. A majority of Americans voted for the Dems, even in the house they won the popular vote, the attempt by the right top dictate to the nation is reprehensible.
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Sequester Cuts Threaten Immigration Reform, Gun Control Plans

The GOP Message:

Vote for us because we:

refuse to compromise

brought you the great recession

have done nothing to create jobs

want to see the nations credit rating drop again

want to take away your healthcare

want to take away Social Security

want to take away Medicare

want to take away Medicaid

want to destroy the environment

will not accept global warming

want to deregulate the banks

want to restrict voting rights

want to take away woman's rights

want to turn the nation into a theocracy

want to do away with the minimum wage

want to eliminate unemployment insurance

want to turn the nations highways into toll roads

want to create more foreclosures

want to give bigger tax breaks to the oil industry

want to give bigger tax breaks to off shore jobs

want to abolish public education

Being a republican today is simply embarrassing......!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost