Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. The symbolism of terrorism can leverage human fear to help achieve these goals.
We shouldn't be negotiating with hostage takers. The GOP & Tea Party reps, have taken the debt ceiling vote and held it hostage, threatening to sink the U.S. triple A credit rating. That's an outrageous action on the part of a persons elected to the congress.
What do you expect of these "pillars' of Republican society? These are the people who questioned the birth of the President, ridicule the First Lady, and showed the world that many of the Republicans are racist and bigots. The President has accomplished more in two years than the rest have done in 10 years.
I now call the GOP the "Simon Legree Party". What they did to the United States, and what they continue to do is a form of abuse. A molestation of our government system. A couple of creeps win an election, and they think the speak for an entire nation.
With the Democratic proposed budget, we can live within our means without putting burdens on the middle class and seniors or impeding our ability to invest in our future.
Let me first say I have "doubts" the "Republican Party", can provide the quality of leadership that is required to get America back on solid footing. I hope they prove me wrong, for our country's sake.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost