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Monday, April 30, 2012

Obama's Bin Laden Ad: Hit Below The Belt Shows Democrats Can Be Tough Too

The republicans have doomed themselves. They've isolated themselves from minorities, women, the yourh, and decided to go with older white voters, but that demographic will become a minority in short order thus reducing the republican party to the whigs in just a matter of a decade. And the Republicans can be proud of their history of doing ... nothing.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Haley Barbour Warns Of Danger To Mitt Romney In Lead Up To Convention

I really don't get how people can look at the sides the parties take and not immediately realize that the Republicans are just bad people. They are constantly fighting to harm the most vulnerable people in our society. That's all they do. Day in and day out. How can that not bother somebody? Are there really people out there whose conception of morality is so radically different than mine that in their world trying to harm the weak is "good" and trying to help those who need help is "bad"?!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Haley Barbour Warns Of Danger To Mitt Romney In Lead Up To Convention

Republicans are better at managing the economy? B.S!

Have you missed what happened under Bush/GOP?

The highest unemployment rates in this country are in GOP states!

Did you know that 13 out of 14 recessions in US history - including the Great Depression - have occurred under a GOP administration!

That is no coincidence.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Obama Denounces Paul Ryan's 'Radical' Budget Plan (LIVE VIDEO)

The GOP wants to breakup the Social Security System, and close the Federal Reserve Banking system...these two institutions hold the most of the US bonds, and the two biggest holders of our national deficit...

This, of course, runs contrary to the GOP’s carefully crafted image. But it’s hard to come to any other conclusion after reviewing the party’s actions in congressio­­nal economic debates. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican­­s buried their heads in the sand.

The GOP is out to destroy the US, not save it...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost