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Monday, February 27, 2012
Michigan Polls: Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum Close On Election Eve (UPDATE)
Economy recovering.....check
Al Qaeda destroyed.....check
GM rebuilt.......check
What will the Republicans run on?
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Friday, February 17, 2012
Payroll Tax Deal Finalized Before Vote
Along the way to deciding whether to extend President Obama's payroll tax cut, something damaging happened to the Republican Party's once-domin
The debt ceiling debate highlights an increasing
This, of course, runs contrary to the GOP’s carefully crafted image. But it’s hard to come to any other conclusion after reviewing the party’s actions in congressio
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Monday, February 13, 2012
Congress Debt Ceiling Debacle May Repeat Before Presidential Election
What we need is a time machine to send these people back to the 19th century. That way they can have their world without taking the rest of us with them.
As already mentioned, what happened to the jobs jobs, jobs the GOP ran on in 2010? They have yet to even consider a plan for job growth. The minute they were sworn in that all disappeare
How about promising to fight the massive unemployme
And yet the GOP war on women continues.
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Mitch McConnell Wants Vote On Birth Control Mandate
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Friday, February 10, 2012
Newt Gingrich CPAC Speech: 'Teach The Republican Establishment A Lesson'
T-thaddeus at 8:00 AM February 10, 2012
It figures the selfish instincts of the GOP dominated House would pass a weakened law on insider trading since some of the most egregious offenders are in the House of Representa
If Americans are smart, they'll vote a straight Democratic ticket come November and vote these Republican clowns out of office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Obama Super Bowl Sit-Down: He Says He Deserves Second Term
President Obama has an excellent record to run for a 2nd term, not limited to:
Middle Class tax cuts over Repub obstacles
Improved US Economy: Conf Board leading econ indicator index up 0.6%, 0.2% & 0.4% in Oct, Nov & Dec
DOW way up
Net private sector jobs up 2.2 million+ @23 months
Budget Control Act 10 yr plan by the President, Dems & unwittingl
US depression averted
US Auto Industry Saved: GM again is the world's #1 auto maker
Tax/other small business incentives
Healthcare reform (imperfect as was Social Security at first)
Obamacare working - Kaiser Foundation poll: 50% of Americans like/want it expanded vs. 39% for repeal
Wall Street reforms & Prosecutio
Domestic oil production up, foreign oil below 50% 1st time in 16 yrs
Made BP pay $20 billion for their spill mess w/o immunity from damages
Consumer Bureau & Credit card protection
Reformed student loan program
Got US Combat Troops out of Iraq
Ended Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
OBL, other terrorist leaders, Somali pirates killed
Put 2 very good women lawyers on the Supreme Court
Proposed American Jobs Act for jobs & repair infrastruc
Led Asia-Pacif
The US will benefit more if Congress Repubs negotiate in good faith & compromise with President Obama & Dems.
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Obama Super Bowl Sit-Down: He Says He Deserves Second Term
Let's all pretend that W.Bush and the gop didn't totally wreck the economy and the country between 2000 and 2008. I thought at some point the gop would "man up" and accept some responsibi
OK, everyone tell the truth. If you made $50-70K in 2006 did you even notice the Bush tax cuts?? Now answer the same question if you made $500-600K. Therein lies the truth of the Bush years. He only made the rich, richer.
Yeah, we don't need to bring back trickle down, remember the Reagan Recessions
If the 1% could share with their employees some profit, there would be alot more activity in the economy and America would be a powerhouse instead of a bailout...
So the Republican argument is as follows:
Obamas's administra
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Saturday, February 4, 2012
Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama
GOP congress is the problem which has to be addressed. Big business has used money to influence Laws and legislatio
I am sure the republican
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