President Obama has an excellent record to run for a 2nd term, not limited to:
Middle Class tax cuts over Repub obstacles
Improved US Economy: Conf Board leading econ indicator index up 0.6%, 0.2% & 0.4% in Oct, Nov & Dec
nt down
DOW way up
Net private sector jobs up 2.2 million+ @23 months
Budget Control Act 10 yr plan by the President, Dems & unwittingl
y by Repubs cuts Fed deficits $5-7tril (more than the grand bargain Repubs refused)
US depression averted
US Auto Industry Saved: GM again is the world's #1 auto maker
Tax/other small business incentives
Healthcare reform (imperfect as was Social Security at first)
Obamacare working - Kaiser Foundation poll: 50% of Americans like/want it expanded vs. 39% for repeal
Wall Street reforms & Prosecutio
Domestic oil production up, foreign oil below 50% 1st time in 16 yrs
Made BP pay $20 billion for their spill mess w/o immunity from damages
Consumer Bureau & Credit card protection
Reformed student loan program
Got US Combat Troops out of Iraq
Ended Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
OBL, other terrorist leaders, Somali pirates killed
Put 2 very good women lawyers on the Supreme Court
Proposed American Jobs Act for jobs & repair infrastruc
ture; implemente
d parts w/o Congress
Led Asia-Pacif
ic Econ Cooperatio
n Conf starting US trade deals w/21 nations
The US will benefit more if Congress Repubs negotiate in good faith & compromise with President Obama & Dems.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost