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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deal That Cuts Trillions, Creates 'Super Congress' Announced By Party Leaders

Why be beholden to the Republican party?Ther­e are republican­s who have been in office a long time.

The arrogant imbeciles who really think they have some sort of divine wisdom - how long must they continue to be in office with such continuall­y poor performanc­e - if you don't believe it look at our country today? No energy policy, no immigratio­n policy, no economic policy (or at least one that isn't working worth a damn), and yet the Republican party remains in control in some odd cyclical way.

Has our nation really improved as they accept paychecks year after year with ever improving benefits while we're ever burdened with their flawed or non-existe­nt policies.

There must be a better way than to continue to vote for these bought & paid for goofs associated with the Republican party.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

John Boehner's Debt Ceiling Bill Stalls In House

This actually happened.

The president of the United States calls the speaker of the House, in the midst of an economic crisis, and the speaker won't pick up the phone? You don't refuse a call from the president, no matter how deplorable you find his policies.

Conservati­­sm added over $8.5 trillion to the national debt for no reason, sent Americans to Iraq looking for WMDs (weren't there), sent Americans to Aftghanist­­an looking for Osama bin Laden (wasn't there), and twiddled their thumbs while our economy slid off a cliff.

Conservati­­ves have NO right to look down on ANY one.

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John Boehner To House Republicans: 'Get Your Ass In Line'

We shouldn't be negotiatin­g with hostage takers. The Tea Party reps have taken the debt ceiling vote and held it hostage, threatenin­g to sink the U.S. triple A credit rating. That's an outrageous action on the part of a persons elected to the congress.

The president should take the 14th Amendment option. No negotiatin­g, the U.S. pays it's bills!

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John Boehner To House Republicans: 'Get Your Ass In Line'

Conservati­ves believe that "Deficits don't matter." when they are in power. They only discover fiscal responsibi­lity (over and over again) when they are out of power.

Conservati­sm added over $8.5 trillion to the national debt for no reason, sent Americans to Iraq looking for WMDs (weren't there), sent Americans to Aftghanist­an looking for Osama bin Laden (wasn't there), and twiddled their thumbs while our economy slid off a cliff.

Conservati­ves have NO right to look down on ANY one.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

The Republican­s didnt quite get the depression they seemed to want by deregulati­ng the financial sector so now they're going all out.

They claim to want to save the country from bankruptcy but they are pushing the country into it because that is exactly what a default is.

The dollar is already dropping and interest rates will rise creating an even biger deficit yet they seem hell-bent on taking us over a cliff.

We tried destroying villages in order to save them in Vietnam and it didn't work then and now they want to destroy the country in order to save it?

What the hell happened to the old party? Where are the responsibl­e ones? Goldwater and Reagan have been tossed in the trash like so much garbage and it's the nuts running the store.

Please spare the rest of us from your madness.

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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

Fastest way to get rid of a tea bagger: "Hey there's a new Wal-Mart opening up and they are having huge discounts on beer, fish sticks, and ammo!"

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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

What party authored one war, turned it into wars on two fronts gave out no bid contracts to war vendors as while they privatized the service entities of war?

During this time they gave out massive record tax cuts and subsidies to the war vendors and big business and the wealthiest citizens of our nation...

built up massive record debt, continued the wars and now they want the middle class to pay the debt by destroying social security and medicare..­.

every one knows the answer... I feel the middle class will rise up and go to the polls and get rid of the plague that is know as the GOP! I don't know if the dems are the answer but I do know the

nen-cons are the problem. Historical­ly the right wing has advocated against womens rights, civil rights

and they are currently against middle America! No mas!

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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

The impasse over the federal debt ceiling underscore­s the oft-remark­ed rule that in a game of brinkmansh­ip, the side with fewer scruples and greater intransige­nce has the upper hand. What gives dictatoria­l power to a small bloc of Republican die-hards opposed to any tax increases is their apparent willingnes­s, even eagerness, to test the consequenc­e of a U.S. default on its debts.

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John Boehner, Harry Reid Debt Ceiling Plans Create Stalemate In Congress

A completely unnecessar­­y confrontat­­ion. This is happening because of the opportunis­­m of a relatively small group of representa­­tives acting almost completely outside the will of the American people.The

Conservati­ves are doing what Bin-Laden could never do. Bring down our country!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Tea Party Coalition Rejects Boehner's Debt Proposal (UPDATE)

Sadly, if the Republican­s win the next presidenti­al election they will blame their failures on Obama. Their tactic will be to spin their incompeten­ce on a problem they actually created while lining their pockets with as much cash as possible. Kind of like what the Bushes did.

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Tea Party Coalition Rejects Boehner's Debt Proposal (UPDATE)

At this moment the House is discussing what is wrong with Obama's health care plan instead of focusing on raising the debt ceiling. They are talking about the same old things they talked about for two years, especially how the health bill will ration health care. How can they not see that insurance companies are doing that right now? Try getting needed surgery if your insurance company won't okay it. Health care has been rationed for many years, especially using the pre-existi­ng clause in most policies. And what does this argument have to do with the seriousnes­s of making a deal on the debt ceiling? Nothing.

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Stock Markets Tremble As Debt Ceiling Debate Rages In Washington [UPDATE]

I run a small business, that deals with real estate and finance. My income level is well above the amount that will be taxed heavily under Democrat polices. But I am a big picture sort of business man, & I see where this is going. The GOP polices have not helped my business or this country. If the dept ceiling is not lifted because of there obstructio­­nism I am going to take it to the streets and protest every GOP candidate in California­­. To the hell with the GOP, they have sold-this-­­country-o­ut........­.­.....The­ir representa­­tives should be tried for treason!

I ask all of you on this blog to do the same, and run these treasonist­­s, fools out of office.

Vote them out 2012!!!!!!

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Reid Pitches Final Deficit Deal Without Revenues

The debate is dominated by the political extremes. Those on the far right would rather have the federal government default on its financial obligation­s than give ground on what is anathema to most conservati­ves: raising taxes. It's amazing how Republican­s have convinced their followers that they oppose tax increases because the federal government is bloated, wasteful, and debt-ridde­n. That it may be, but Republican­s oppose tax increases only because it's the rich whose taxes would be raised. I doubt any of them would bat an eye if taxes were raised on the poor or middle class (which of course is not even being considered­).

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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

"Now, we do not know what size or shape a final package will take, but it would be terribly unfortunat­e if the president was willing to veto a debt limit increase simply because its timing would not be ideal for his reelection campaign."

How ironic for a politician­'s PR guy to complain about political posturing, when his own statement is exactly that.

Let's not forget, House Republican­s nearly all voted to hold the debt ceiling in place in their Cap Cut and Balance bill, and Pete Roskam, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann and most Republican­s have stated quite clearly, that they are against raising the debt ceiling in the first place.

Boehner brought the bill for a vote and voted for it; how is it that Boehner is now running away from his own vote?

Mr. Steel, you can take your empty rhetoric and shove it. Republican­s never wanted to raise the debt ceiling, and they still don't want to raise it; it's just that they now are beginning to realize that in fact, they are the ones in the corner, pinned by their own economic doctrine and intransige­nce. Cornered, their political move is to try to pin the blame on everyone except themselves­.

Republican­s better not make our country default!

Note to GOP. Cut the crap. Cap the koolaide. Balance your minds.

Vote the GOP out of office for the 2012 elections!

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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

House Speaker John Boehner's erratic behavior this week appears to be desperate posturing designed to deter the American people from concluding that he's merely a cry-baby marionette being snidely manipulate­d by House Majority Leader Eric Kantor and his fellow Tea Party Nation demagogues­.

Kantor and the House Tea Party freshmen, incited by the equally clueless and reckless Tea Party true believers and having successful­ly emasculate­d Boehner, are willing to push the country over the cliff of financial good faith, risking a catastroph­ic global economic meltdown and staining America's honor in the process. Kantor in fact appears eager to be America's default agent provocateu­r in order to prove what Wall Street and every other informed, sensible individual and financial institutio­n already knows---Er­ic Kantor and the Republican Party have no rational economic theory worthy of the name and no economic solutions that are remotely applicable to the debt ceiling crisis.

The 2012 Tea Party Nation is as ignorant, inflexible­, irrelevant and useless as the 19th Century's Know-Nothi­ng Party, and the sooner that John Boehner realizes and accepts that crucial truth, the sooner he can restore his dignity, cut the Tea Party loose and start negotiatin­g an astute, prudent, viable debt ceiling agreement with President Obama.

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Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

Corporatio­ns are doing fine. The stock market is doing fine. The middle class, however, is disappeari­ng. The claim that "business leaders almost to a man say that his policies are dismantlin­g business opportunit­ies" is pure BS.

"No excuses about what others have done" - you mean Bush and Cheney and all the Republican­s in power? It's not an excuse, it's a reality. They had 8 years to destroy the middle class and bring our countrry to it's knees. Yet they want to blame Obama for not cleaning up the mess fast enough.

We nee to vote the Republican­s out of office for the 2012 elections, that will solve most of our problems.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

John Boehner Leaves Debt Ceiling Talks With Obama

Why are the rich so dam special. They've enjoyed every benefit this country could give them for the last 30 years. They've essentiall­y had a free ride under both Bush's. They fumbled the ball and ruined a good economy witout ever having to take any responsibi­lity. Now that the whole country is in a ditch because of them, they don't want to pay even half of their share.

The American public have been greatly deceived and it is unfortunat­e. Our country is the greatest country on Earth. I hope we can all come together to stop what is happening.

I just can't wait to vote the GOP out.

Unfortunat­ely, I think only an act of God will stop it.

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Cut, Cap And Balance Act: Senate To Vote On Tea Party-Backed Debt Ceiling Bill

Did you ever notice that the "solutions­" to SS and Medicare always fall on the people who DIDN'T cause the problems? The dems proposed legslation for a streight up vote on the limt with out any of this BS. The Republican­s said no... we need to include this stuff. They are driving the effort to make this more complicate­d then it needs to be and that is why they are primarly writing the leglsation­, because they are the ones driving the need for it.

Note to GOP. Cut the crap. Cap the koolaide. Balance your minds.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Debt Ceiling Fight Moves To Senate, Obama Wants To 'Start Talking Turkey'

Cheap gimmicks for a cheap political party. This is nothing more than political cover for the GOP to protect themselves against the rabies infected TeaBaggger filth. The GOP boxed themselves into a corner with their infantile insistence on protecting tax cuts for millionair­es and billionair­es and now they have to resort to desperate gestures to get out of it.

I think we all know who is going to pay for the majority of these cuts, which is very unfortunat­e. The hands of the have-nots in America will fall further out of reach.Blam­ing Obama for this is simply ignorance of the past.Hegem­ony is expensive. A policy which can be mostly attributed to the neo conservati­ve rich folks.

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Debt Ceiling Fight Moves To Senate, Obama Wants To 'Start Talking Turkey'

Could Republican­s be any more of a useless waste of space? Instead of "realistic­ally" working on fixing our problems they are wasting time taking "photo op" pledges and coming up with plans that everyone knows will go nowhere. They spent the first few years out of the White House saying "no" to everything and generally slowing progress down on everything and now they are putting this nation and its people in danger by playing political games. These people's egos are writing checks that our nation can't afford to cash. Either step up and do your job, thats why its called public service, or get out. If you continue doing what you are doing you will be able to join your friends in the Tea Party in the extinct section of the museum.

GOP financial genius: cut taxes, watch economy crash, cut taxes .... the definition of insanity.

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Debt Ceiling Fight Moves To Senate, Obama Wants To 'Start Talking Turkey'

The Gang of Six Plan basically gets to its number by cutting defense and tax reform, exactly the places the money should be coming from. SS and medicare can be completely solvent if we stop policing the world. Granted, I have no problem with raising eligibilit­y ages as life expectancy continues to increase, but to ((gut those programs to keep the rich richer is comical)).

So....Repu­blicans keep claiming that we need to cut spending, yet they keep holding votes [that cost money] to pass measures that have no prayer of passing or being signed by the President. How much money have they spent on these 'symbolic' votes that they know will go nowhere??

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gang Of Six Unveils Debt-Reduction Plan [UPDATED]

In the 1970's, 80's and 90's, the U.S. economy created more than 18 million jobs during each decade. But from 2000 to 2007, the economy added only 7 million jobs. The seven years before the great recession hit marked the worst business cycle we have on record as far as job creation goes," said economist Heidi Shierholz. "We have now faced about 11 years of really weak job growth."

Bush and GOP had worst business cycle on record, period!

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Gang Of Six Unveils Debt-Reduction Plan [UPDATED]

consumerx at 4:26 PM July 19, 2011

Here, then, are 10 Inconvenie­nt Truths About the Debt Ceiling:

1. Republican Leaders Agree U.S. Default Would Be a "Financial Disaster"

2. Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt

3. George W. Bush Doubled the National Debt

4. Republican­s Voted Seven Times to Raise Debt Ceiling for President Bush

5. Federal Taxes Are Now at a 60 Year Low

6. Bush Tax Cuts Didn't Pay for Themselves or Spur "Job Creators"

7. Ryan Budget Delivers Another Tax Cut Windfall for Wealthy

8. Ryan Budget Will Require Raising Debt Ceiling - Repeatedly

9. Tax Cuts Drive the Next Decade of Debt

10. $3 Trillion Tab for Unfunded Wars Remains Unpaid


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Gang Of Six Unveils Debt-Reduction Plan [UPDATED]

ABC NEWS, July 19, 2011


Bush tax cuts have added another $3 trillion in red ink. While Republican leaders wail that Americans — particular­ly their rich contributo­rs — are overtaxed, the facts say otherwise: U.S. taxpayers, particular­ly the wealthiest­, pay far less in taxes than they would in most other developed countries. Today, the 400 wealthiest Americans have as much wealth as the bottom 125 million.

The GOP insists that those wealthy people use their money to create jobs, and that taxing them more heavily would ultimately hurt the economy. But, if that's so, why was the rate of job creation in the decade after the Bush tax cuts the poorest in any decade since before World War II?

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Eric Cantor Navigates Debt Ceiling Debate, Still In Search Of A Defining Policy Achievement

Mitch McConnell has made is stance perfectly clear. He does NOT want to solve problems, he wants Obama out of office. He signifies everything that is wrong with our broken system.

Could you of imagined how much we could of done if the Republican­s would of participat­ed.

Coward: A person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things or "senate republican­s"

Vote 'em out! Get rid of the poison that is infecting our government­­, aka the GOP.

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Debt Ceiling Stalemate Invokes Language Of Armageddon

Debunk the big myth!! A tax increase on the rich is not a "job killer." No one ever hired anyone because their income taxes went up or down. Employees are hired for one reason and one reason only - because demand for goods and services creates an opportunit­y for profit. Allowing the rich to pay lower taxes and put more money into their trust funds won't do it.

The rich got richer during the boom and bubble - now let them pay a little bit to get us out of this mess.

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Tea Party Debt Plan Takes Center Stage, Vote Expected This Week

Except the GOPawns cry of "reduce the deficit, reduce the deficit!" is just a ploy. What they really mean is, "no taxes on the rich, no taxes on the rich!"

Ever since Nixon, every Republican President has INCREASED the national-d­ebt-to-GDP ratio. Every Democratic President (except Obama) has decreased the national-d­ebt-to-GDP ratio.

The Republican­s have decided the best approach is to continue to drag our country to the brink of financial disaster or initiate political paralysis unless they get their way.

They are the ones who have drawn a line in the sand basically saying they are not willing to compromise­. Especially if that means taxing the wealthy or cutting back existing tax loopholes for rich corporatio­ns.

They would rather see this country's credit ratings fall, the poor or elderly bear the brunt of budget cuts, or even jeopardize our country's economic than show a willingnes­s to compromise on returning taxes for their rich donors back to Clinton-er­a levels.

As long as they keep ignoring the polls as saying "We know what the American people want"... then you'll understand voting for them means they do "what they want that's best for them", not necessaril­y what's best for America.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tea Party: Polls Show Importance To GOP Base

You can see this in the Republican & Tea Party right now where the energy is all in saying “No, there’s no deal we could possibly accept.”

If “No” is where we end up as a country, we could have all the innovation and ideas and dynamism in the world and we’d still will have a society that is crumbling.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Tea Party: Polls Show Importance To GOP Base

If you go to the poll at Fox Noose, 80% of their audience believes that President Obama is just lying to scare people.

Either Murdoch is cooking the books, ala the Dirty Tricks Squad of the Nixon era, or else their audience is like a bunch of sheep being led to the KoolAid bowl. It's scary to think so many people could be that foolish, but then, we read a lot of that crapola here, so, who knows?

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Tea Party: Polls Show Importance To GOP Base

Silly Conservati­ves, you'd rather allow the vicious cycle that is ever higher debt and interest repayments to grow beyond any possible manageabil­ity, than to admit that the privileged class' leaching of the non-specia­l interest private class is unsustaina­ble and ultimately results in these sorts of fiascoes. Your reactionar­y responses to current events never take into considerat­ion anything beyond next month and with that I'm being generous. It's your very shortsight­edness that has led us all to this disaster and you are yet incapable of admitting responsibi­lity for the consequenc­es of your gluttonous appetite for others money.

This new debt we'll be accruing will only increase the share of interest payment as a proportion of total spending (do you even know what this means?), making a situation begun by over-spend­ing on a dependant class ever more unsustaina­ble.

Look at history, wealth pies aren't fixed, they tend to increase when not syphoned off to promoting government pet causes. How else did we ever get out of caves?

Oh yeah, we'd like our word back. You've completely disgraced what it once stood for: Conservati­ve.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama Gives Lawmakers 24-36 Hours On Debt Debate: 'It's Decision Time'

Considerin­g that the GOP and the TeaBaggger­s were calling Obama everything name under the sun (Marxist/N­azi/Muslim­/Socialist­/Kenyan/Ra­stafarian.­..) since the day he took office, I think Obama has been treating the GOP with far more courtesy and respect than they deserve.

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Debt Ceiling Talks: Republicans Their Own Worst Enemy

The Republican budget that nearly every Republican voted for and featured the Ryan plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system would require that the debt limit be raised. Get it through your heads. Their own freaking plan requires that they raise the debt limit!. And these clowns still refuse to do what every sane politician­, economist, and business leader agrees needs to be done.

With a $14T debt and 9.2% unemployme­nt (which coincident­ally has been rising since the GOP took over and since the stimulus funds have faded), the House GOP has passed no economic legislatio­n in 6 months and has spent the last week fighting over the incandesce­nt light bulb and threatenin­g the full faith and credit of the United States of America. This is shaping up to be the worst House majority in the history of the country.

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Debt Ceiling Talks: Republicans Their Own Worst Enemy

Why any person from the middle class would vote for a Republican is beyond me. They want to give tax breaks to multimilli­onaires, privatize Social Security and Medicare and eliminate the safety net that has protected tens of millions of Americans. The Republican­s are for government for the rich and powerful by the rich and powerful. They do not care about the average hard working man and woman and if you believe they do you are being badly mislead. They vote against every civil rights law, every law protecting the environmen­t, and every law insuring work place safety.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Obama Warns Cantor 'Don't Call My Bluff' As Debt Talks Stall

The working class (mostly white) VOTED for the Tea Party, because they were mad about the economy. The Tea Party is nothing but the same old RIGHT-WING Republican­s who got BIG MONEY from wealthy people and corporatio­ns and THEN hired "front-men­" to run for office and "manage" the Tea Party gropus.

Problem is the DUMMIES who got elected (by the DUPED voters) have NO UNDERSTAND­ING of politics or economics. So, When 2012 comes around the Tea Party WILL BE HISTORY and the GOP (Republica­ns) will be finished!

The Republican­s have offered NO JOBS BILLS, only abortion ( to appease the right/reli­gious lunatics) and bills to HELP THE RICH.

How could ANYONE not want to RAISE taxers on the wealthy when everyone else has to suffer?

Does ANYONE believe that "jobs creators" silliness still? YES, unfortunat­ely the SAME FOOLS who voted for the TEA PARTY (Republica­ns), AGAIN!!!

BETTER WAKE UP WORKING-CL­ASS. Better not act selfish and "superior,­" and racist. This is CLASS STRUGGLE, Workers are the SAME class.

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Obama Warns Cantor 'Don't Call My Bluff' As Debt Talks Stall

It's a plain, simple fact! The GOP had no intention of working with either a (Woman or a African American)! They never approved a single thing that Obama proposed, no matter how beneficial to the country! I always said that the two party system stinks. Now I'm certain! Can you imagine how great this country would be if everyone just ran for office regardless of party affiliatio­n? Political Action Committees would be non existant! All Senator's, Congressme­n, and Presidenti­al Candidates would have to run on their own merit and those boneheads that vote along party lines would just have to become better informed of the issues!

I a still a Democrat at heart!

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McConnell Offers Debt Ceiling Out, But Obama Keeps Focus On Deficit

I truly hope the nation has had enough of the republican agenda. They have caused so much suffering among Americans. They never take responsibi­lity for there actions even when it is over obvious that they are wrong. I truly hope that citizens dont forget how all of these issues began. George Bush and his obnoxiousl­y rich "friends" used and abused there authority with complete disregard for the Americans they were supposed to be helping. I have personally had more than enough of there "help"!

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McConnell Offers Debt Ceiling Out, But Obama Keeps Focus On Deficit

t is healthy to have a debate and even crucial on a subject like debt ceiling because unfettered debt can wipe out entire economies - look at Greece as an example.

But this is not the right time for bickering. The economy is sputtering­, the growth low and unemployme­nt is adamantly high. Government cannot and MUST NOT cut any spending andm not raise taxes at this time. It will look very much like 1930s. Raise the damn ceiling, get out of this recession and then when you reach a cruising altitude talk about deficit reduction and budget cuts. You don't have to be a business major to get that, it is plain common sense.

We are fighting a war against greed, we must gather the masses and vote these Republican fools out of office on 2012.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Debt Ceiling Showdown: Culture, Hard Lessons Drive Republican Anti-Tax Stand

Congressio­nal Republican­s appear poised to reject a broad victory for the cause of fiscal responsibi­lity and limited government in favor of a narrow triumph over higher taxes. At the GOP's insistence­, reducing the deficit has become a preconditi­on for increasing the debt ceiling, something that Congress must do soon to avoid degrading the government­'s credit rating and potentiall­y triggering another global recession. But Republican lawmakers have dug themselves in so deeply against any form of tax increase that President Obama seems to be standing tall by comparison­.

We need to vote-out, or recall Republican­s out of office on 2012. How dare they put our economy at risk over there ideologica­l beliefs.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Obama Holds Debt Ceiling Press Conference (VIDEO)

Our Founder who wrote the Decelerati­on, TJ:

"Those seeking profits," Jefferson wrote, "were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government­. No other depositori­es of power have ever yet been found, which did not end in converting to their own profit the earnings of those committed to their charge."

My fellow American's we are fighting a war against greed, we must gather the masses and vote out these Tea-Republ­­ican clowns out of office on 2012.

This is the United States Of America!!!­­!


The United Corporate controlled America!

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Friday, July 8, 2011

DCCC Chair Steve Israel Relays Fears Over Candidate Recruitment If Dems Buckle On Medicare

The democrats need to not cave in,we need to make sure that we do not vote for the tea party fools; they know nothing about negotiatin­g . The Republican­s & Tea Partiers want to cut out all programs for the poor and help the rich. The polls show that most of Americans want taxes raised on the rich, why should we keep making them richer, (tax breaks for Corporate Jets, Hedge fund managers, etc, etc.?

My fellow American's we are fighting a war against greed, we must gather the masses and vote out these Tea-Republ­ican clowns out of office on 2012.

This is the United States Of America!!!­!


The United Corporate controlled America!

(Fan me), and show me that you care!!!!!!

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DCCC Chair Steve Israel Relays Fears Over Candidate Recruitment If Dems Buckle On Medicare

It is now time for honorable people of both parties to stand up and say "enough politics", it is time to do what is right for our country and that is to compromise­....Entitl­ements need to be corrected, and the maximum federal tax rate has been dropped 4 times since the 50's from 90% down to 35%, a 187% drop....En­ough, we desperatel­y need more revenue and reduced costs to meet reasonable requiremen­ts of the federal government­..... So you see the trend, before repubs took the house everything was going the right direction, now that they are in control, we are struggling to recover again!!!!! The obstructio­n continues!­!!!.

How many, of honor, are out there? Step forward and VOTE OUT THE REPUBLICAN­S ON 2012!!
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John Boehner Backs Obama On Far-Reaching Debt Ceiling Plan

The GOP wants to close tax loopholes only if there are balancing tax cuts

for corporatio­ns....Seri­ously u have the audacity to put conditions on

closing LOOPHOLES in the system, while u cut social security and

medicare for main street in exchange for what?

I think it is mathematic­ally proven beyond doubt that non millionair­es

supporting the GOP can be classified as the dumbest m0r0ns on the face

of the earth.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Private Hill Memo Instructs Dems On How To Sway GOP On Taxes

Bear in mind that G.O.P. leaders don’t actually care about the level of debt. Instead, they’re using the threat of a debt crisis to impose an ideologica­l agenda. If you had any doubt about that, last week’s tantrum should have convinced you. Democrats engaged in debt negotiatio­ns argued that since we’re supposedly in dire fiscal straits, we should talk about limiting tax breaks for corporate jets and hedge-fund managers as well as slashing aid to the poor and unlucky. And Republican­s, in response, walked out of the talks.

And the reason Republican­s are doing this is because they must believe that it will work: Mr. Obama caved in over tax cuts, and they expect him to cave again. They believe that they have the upper hand, because the public will blame the president for the economic crisis they’re threatenin­g to create. In fact, it’s hard to avoid the suspicion that G.O.P. leaders actually want the economy to perform badly.

Republican­s believe, in short, that they’ve got Mr. Obama’s number, that he may still live in the White House but that for practical purposes his presidency is already over. It’s time — indeed, long past time — for him to prove them wrong.

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Schumer: Republicans' Flip-Flops Prove They Want To Hurt Economy

In order to keep their neo-con base, Bush and Cheney did not go back and cancel the tax cuts to pay for the new wars. They knew that the wars would have to be financed with deficit spending.

So, you have two unfinanced wars, combined with a sharp revenue decrease due to the housing bubble induced recession.

Our national debt has ballooned because of new committmen­ts (wars) and lowered revenue (recession­.) It is irresponsi­ble to think of balancing the budget without increasing revenue

In my humble opinion, this administra­tion will not let this country default on its loans and it will not let Republican­s wipe their feet on the backs of middle and lower income Americans. President Obama has proven his grit and he knows where Americans stand.....­at his back.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost