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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Democrats Have A Shot At Taking Back The House As Republican Popularity Continues To Drop: Poll

Do you ever notice when there is bad news, the word "Republican" is mentioned frequently. You might get used to staying,

"The weather looks Republican, you better be extra careful when driving".

"I had a Republican day at work today"!

"I am feeling Republican, I better schedule an appt. with to see a doctor".


Ask this simple question. who do you support, the USA or the GOP....?

When it comes time to vote, you will know what to do!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Senate Budget Deal Takes Shape, Facing Tough Odds To Avert Default

Did you know, that congress became dysfunctio­nal after the Republican­s were elected in 2010. We've seen and heard all the showmanshi­p from the Republican­s about their budget cuts, But they were the ones who launched the trillion dollar Iraqi war and even worse, triggered the many bank failures before "W" left office.. The Republican­s found religion last November and claimed that the election was about jobs, jobs, jobs. So what jobs have the Republican­s created except for getting jobs for themselves in the Congress?


I have become so disgusted with the Republican Party and their evolution toward extremism that for the first time in my life I can see myself voting straight anti-Repub­lican.

Ask this simple question. who do you support, the USA or the GOP....?

When it comes time to vote, you will know what to do!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Government Shutdown: Democrats Actually Hated The 'Clean' Funding Plan

The Republicans are not righteous rebels or principled provocateurs. They are not constitutionalists, using the ruling framework built by the founders. Just the opposite: they are a militant fringe of one party in one house of Congress in one branch of government trying to nullify an established law by extortion. This is not the design of the Constitution.”

The Republican Party claims to be the party of "Christian" and "family" values but acts in a manner inconsistent with Christianity or family values as it seeks to dismantle the programs that protect those with the least to benefit those with the most.

"The Republicans", who would ever support such a party!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost