"The biggest recipient of government payouts were from Rep. Stephen Fincher, a Republican from Frog Jump, Tenn.
While the self-described Tea Party patriot lists his occupation as "farmer" and "gospel singer" in the Congressional Directory, he doesn't mention that his family has received more than $3 million in farm subsidies from 1995 to 2009, according to the Environmental Working Group"
"When asked whether he would be willing to see all his subsidies go away, Fincher would not directly say he would no longer take any more subsidies"
These are the same blowhards that whine about poor Americans on foodstamps.
The TEA Party's motto: I got my govt handout; screw the rest of you.
The TEA Party has always been an astro-turf movement, financed and directed by the OnePercenters to manipulate gullible trailer trash types into supporting their regulatory capture of our democratic government.
The TEA Party is run by con-men and late-night hucksters who peddle perpetual motion-machines and penile implants.
These people are traitors and are the controlling force of the GOP party. They have betrayed the American people at every turn.