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Thursday, May 30, 2013

True conservatives believe in using incentives to help and motivate people, incentives that work.

It's actually been a sad 30 years or so for me, seeing the GOP taken over slowly and surely by kooks of various sorts.
Barry Goldwater warned against it. He and Buckley kicked the Birchers out, now they're part of the base. Goldwater warned about letting the religious right in there.  True conservatism believes in separation of church and state.
That's all gone now, there's no there anymore. It's just a collection of fringe groups banded together by a common paranoia that the right wing media feeds them.
The right in this country is not conservative, far from it. It's become doctrinarian and authoritarian in nature. Everything is shaped, including the facts by ideology.
True conservatives are practical people. While they want a smaller government, they want what they pay for to work. Today's right doesn't want government to work at all.
True conservatives believe in using incentives to help and motivate people, incentives that work.
True conservatives accepted for the most part, Keynesian Economics in the 50's and 60's. They never opposed the government helping people during times of economic crisis.
True conservatives founded the conservation movement, which begat today's environmental movement.  Conservation and Conservative both come from the Latin, to conserve.
It is sad looking at what happened not to mention deal with it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

PolitiFact Rates Higher Percentage Of Republican Claims As False, Study Finds

The GOP has 2 choices. STOP trying to tell other people what moral and religious values they MUST embrace, OR become completely irrelevant... They have NO other choice. The anti-choice bible thumpers have COMPLETELY destroyed the GOP at this time..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Conservative Whining Bull Shit

I think all this conservative whining about being singled out is a tactic to avoid having the IRS audit them.  Any 501c4 that spends or takes in over $25,000 has to file statements.  I'd love to see them all file statements showing what percentage of their expenditures went to non campaign issues. More GOP inspired charades. They weren't denied the exemption, the IRS was using proper diligence to weed out these phony groups. The GOP are in fact anti-tax and anti-government, they should have expected the additional scrutiny. You know what the irony is? Guess who ends up paying for these lawsuits. We do. But in this case, I'll gladly chip in. It takes a soldier 900 days to get VA help, and a wing-nut group files a suit for a delay a mere two years? This is more GOP B.S.
We need to vote these GOPer’s out of office, all they do is obstruct justice and waste time


Monday, May 20, 2013

Sequestration Forces Indian Land, Military Base Schools To Make Drastic Cuts

Most GOP governors immediately ruled out enlarging Medicaid and have resisted months of lobbying from doctors, hospitals and business leaders. You have the very people that work on the front line treating people lobbying for the expansion, and yet the narrow minded Republicans want to halt an improvement.

Seriously, has anyone figured out what the Republicans have ever done to help the average American Family? you know, the rest of us? At least within the last 40 years?

"The Republicans", who would ever want to be part of such a party!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I respect my federal government!

I respect my federal government. I trust my federal government a LOT more than I trust the Fortune 500 company I work for. I trust my federal government a LOT more than I trust the global corporations I do business with, like Wells-Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, Disney, GE, Exxon, American Airlines, Shell, BP, Toyota, GM, Walmart, Allstate, Time Warner, Cox Cable, Verizon, AT&T, State Farm, etc.
Global corporations want to pollute the air, ground, and water as much as legally permitted – and more if possible. My federal government wants to clean up the environment.
Global corporations want to lay me off the moment is it profitable to do so. My federal government wants to help me if I'm unemployed and looking for work.
Global health corporations want to increase the cost of medical care and they don't care whether I can afford it or not. My federal government wants to make sure I have access to medical care.
Global corporations pay lobbyists who bribe and corrupt elected officials and government employees, undermining my democracy. My federal government prosecutes a few of those who offer bribes, but I wish they'd work a lot harder on this one. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Benghazi Depositions To Examine Hillary Clinton's Role In Response To Attacks

LOL at Chris thinking that Benghazi is a political slam dunk for Republicans. Same guy who predicted 277 Electoral Votes for Obama, wrote for years about T-Paw being a top tier GOP contender and writes that PPP is a Democratic leaning pollster while saying that Rasmussen in an independent pollster.

It has been 8 months since the attack on the embassy and most people have moved on apart from GOP dead enders who are looking to find a way that Obama/Hillary were involved in the attacks. Perhaps this is because they know if the focus is on jobs/economy, immigration or gun control they will lose so they have to constantly bring this up and maybe people will believe it.

Most voters do not care about this at all. The only ones who do are probably ones who think Obama's birth certificate is fake.

Romney tried to politicize this and got creamed. Hilarious thinking this is an issue with any political benefits beyond GOP primaries.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Benghazi is a scandal that is the figment of some overzealous House republicans!

Benghazi is a scandal that is the figment of some overzealous House republicans and conservative so-called media personalities who are making things up as they go. The House Republicans, because they don't want to do anything else, concentrate on this stuff rather than actually dealing with real issues. 
Second, the IRS targeting of so-called conservative groups is NOT a scandal as there is no indication of political involvement in this situation. Yes, we do need to find out what happened here, but, as with Benghazi, there is probably less than meets the eye, except for conspiracy theorists on FOX and in some conservative media. 
Please forget the sca
ndals and give the country a Congress that deals with real issues.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

House Obamacare Repeal Vote Planned For 'The Near Future'

the RNC called for “an outside group … that focuses solely on research of Democrats,” one that will “establish a private archive and public website that does nothing but post inappropriate Democrat utterances and act as a clearinghouse for information.”

The people say" "Your policies are abhorrent, and don't work."

Republicans hear: "You didn't dig up enough dirt on the other guys!"

What more can be said?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost