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Sunday, November 11, 2012
Filibuster Reform: Democrats, GOP Gear Up For Fight
People read comments. When they read yours, then they know what conservatives think about them. Ya see, that's the message you are sending out. And you wonder why people don't like you - and your ideas? Your comment is clear as a bell; that's why the GOP got its butt whipped.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election
Nobody wants to put Republican extremists into power. The last thing we need is for a group of radicals to turn our great country into the "The Hunger Games".
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, November 8, 2012
John Boehner Says Obamacare Is The Law Of The Land, But Still Favors Repealing Legislation
"Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear." – William E. Gladstone, 1866
"We live in the richest country in the world folks, where 50 Million American's live in "POVERTY" and 50 Million, go without Health Insurance, and the Republicans want to keep it that way!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Barack Obama Victory Speech: 'The Best Is Yet To Come'
Interesting how the the parts of the country with some of the highest illiteracy rates and lowest quality of education lean Romney.
Let's see I have 3 collage degree's, & a successful business.
That is why I voter smarter, & vote Democrat most every time.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Results 2012: Live Updates
It's obvious that Republicans are more interested in their wealthy benefactors than they are the American people. Let's just hope that the folks who have been swindled into supporting them against their own interests will realize it in time. The damage they're causing cannot be denied.
The most compelling arguments for Obama's reelection are the crop of clownish Republican candidates running for the job, and the bizarre, reactionary, and insane behavior of the Republican Party membership in general.
For those of you who vote infrequenlty, now is the time to flex your beliefs and vote the GOP out of office.
Its the logical thing to do!
"Rock the Vote"!
Obama 2012!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Congressional Research Service Report On Tax Cuts For Wealthy Suppressed By GOP (UPDATE)
"Digg Deep"
..."We live in the richiest country in the world folks, where 50 Million American's live in "POVERTY" and 50 Million, go without Health Insurance, and the Republicans want to keep it that way! They are buying up our elections that their boys on the U.S. Supeme Court has allowed top 1 percent richiest of the rich to do, by opening the "FLOOD GATES" against not only the "Working Poor, but also the "Middle Class!
The Koch brothers, the chamber of commerce, Karl Rove/Republicans, doing all they can to run from state to state, with the backing and blessngs of the rich, to pour in as much money as theRepublicans can do to buy up America, at the costs of the few outweighing the needs of the many!
As the Republians take kickbacks from the Oil Companies to the tune of $2.5 Mllion for the $4.6 Billion the Republican run congress gives the Oil Companies, in taxpayer subsidies who turn around and give them your money to buy up your state's elections, as they are doing all across the U.S.
If the Republicans succeed, you will lose! We have to stop this assault by helping the President/Democrats win all all three branches of government, so that we can do what is right and insure, as many American's as we can, because if we fail, and the Presiden loses, you lose, as the article is correct, and I am correct, "So..DIGG DEEP!!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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